Monday, June 11, 2012

June Monday

 The paintings are coming along. They are works in progress and I could not photograph any of them yet, as it would violate the creative creed and our imaginative spirits. Next week though, I hope we can finish them and show them off!
 Here is a sneak peek.
 Ok. Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but we spent a good while wrapped in quilts laying on the couch today listening to music off the i-pad. It was so fun and relaxing, we couldn't help it. Next time we will use that time to crochet lepers bandages, visit the old-folks-home, and comfort little tiny chihuahuas trapped in small cages (see past post), we promise. :)
 Jessica still loves her diet coke.
 This delicious lunch came from Warren's. It was really really good. When Jessica replied "kids meal," to my query about what she wanted for lunch, I knew that this is where we needed to go. It didn't disappoint.
All aboard!

1 comment:

  1. I love the joyful richness you bring to life, Emily! Thanks for being a treasure in our lives...
